Sunday, October 2, 2016

GIVEAWAY: Choose A Book From My Bookshelf

I have so many gently used books sitting around (some that I've never read) so I want to pass them along to readers that will actually read and enjoy them. Every other week I'll be giving away one reader's choice of book from my book stash (You can see my book stash HERE). The winner can pick any book they want from THIS POST.

Please keep in mind that I've either purchased, received these books for review, or won them in giveaways. Some aren't brand new, and some have worn corners or creased pages.

I have ARCs, hardcovers, paperbacks, Young Adult, or Adult books to choose from. You can see the full list HERE.

Before entering please read my giveaway policy HERE. And I'm sorry to my international readers, but I'm only able to ship to the US right now because of shipping costs. I'll be having international giveaways in the future, though, so stay tuned!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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